Just as your identity makes you unique, your brand identity is of utmost importance to your business.
And the design of your brand identity?
This is the factor that shapes the image of your company and distinguishes it from all others.

But what exactly is brand identity? What does it have to do with design? And how do you shape a strong brand identity that takes your business to the next level?

Your business branding reflects what your brand looks like. This means colors, graphics, font, photography and your logo. After all, the design of the brand
is what "brings" the brand to life. This is what makes your brand recognizable to the people who matter to your business.

Ние в Digital Sofia осъзнаваме нуждата от идентичност на вашата марка и я реализираме, като се фокусираме върху нейните основни ценности, предоставяйки
powerful branding solutions that bring together individual elements: typography, textures and color palette to create an inspiring visual graphic design.

Your brand needs to evolve, but also stand the test of time. Therefore, the colors we choose and styles we use can be created
only after careful consideration and evaluation of your brand's personality and qualities.

By combining these factors, we ensure that your brand is highly distinctive and truly stands out from the competition.

The design of each product is key to the success of your business. The printed material advertising your company,
is important for forming the image of it in the customer's mind, and this leads to an increase in your sales.
The quality of the publication that presents your product depends on what people will expect of the quality of the product itself.

For your successful business, we offer:

  • creation of a company logo

  • corporate souvenir design

  • layout of printed advertising materials

  • outdoor advertising

  • exhibition stands

  • branding of shop windows, offices and others

Prepress is the overall layout and processing of your advertising materials, an important factor for a quality advertising product.

We work with proven specialists and the best software products for graphic design: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, CorelDraw, etc. The work involved in creating content and how the final product looks is part of graphic design.
Very often, graphic design and prepress are combined in prepress.